Gifted and Talented

“Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act” 

Recently, the NJ Legislature passed the “Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act”, which established each school district's responsibilities in educating gifted and talented students.  Further, one provision of the law states that an individual may lodge a formal complaint if it is felt that the district is not in compliance with this mandate. Further, one provison of the law statest that each school district must have a complaint policy on gifted and talented education linked to the Board's Homepage. 

Gifted and Talented Continuum of Services

The Woodland Township School District offers a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Gifted
Education. All students in grades K–8 receive whole-class Tier 1, embedded
enrichment to develop creative problem-solving skills through our tiered system.

The continuum of supplemental Gifted & Talented services is designed to flexibly
address a variety of individual needs including enrichment and extensions for
those students demonstrating exceptionally high ability in a single or multiple
content areas.

  • In grades K-8, students receive supplemental targeted interventions/enrichment in addition to core instruction.

  • Advanced skill group instruction occurs during a built in intervention period, providing students with enrichment opportunities.

  • Flexible grouping allows for students to be placed in groups with peers with similar strengths.

  • Students may also elect to participate in after-school clubs that align with their interests.

  • An opportunity for accerated learning is provided to students who are placed in the Pre-Algebra or Algebra I programs.