Health Services

School Nurse - Meagan Huber CSN, BSN, RN

I look forward to working with you and caring for your child while they attend Chatsworth Elementary School. Please see the attached forms pertaining to medications, immunization requirements, physical packets, communicable diseases, and other health related topics.In addition to tending to student medical issues and injuries, I conduct yearly screenings including height, weight, blood pressure, vision, and hearing.

Please fill out the medical update form at the beginning of each school year and notify me if there are any changes in your child's health during the school year.
You can contact me at  Email Meagan Huber 609-726-1230 ext. 204

Immunization Requirements:

immunization requirements

Physical Examinations  -  The New Jersey Department of Education recognizes the importance of medical examinations and documentation is required upon entry into the school district. Subsequent physical exams are recommended at least once during each developmental stage:

  • Early childhood (preschool through grade three)

  • Pre-adolescence (grade four through six)

  • Adolescence (grade seven through 12)

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends yearly routine well-child visits beginning at age 3. Regular checkups are an important way to keep track of your child’s health and development.
