On January 10, 2022, Governor Murphy amended the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act.  With these amendments districts had to revise their HIB policies and require the use of new incident reporting forms created by the NJDOE.  

Please find below the NJDOE form  that must be completed within two school days of being made aware or witnessing any alleged acts of HIB.  The timeframe, which requires HIB investigations to be completed within 10 school days of the written report being submitted to the principal, has not changed. 

Incident Reporting Forms
HIB 338 Form – Families / Caregivers Fillable form, but completed form must be emailed or delivered to appropriate school.
HIB 338 Form, Family-Caregiver, Spanish
HIB 338 Form – LEA Staff / Contractors

Guidance for Parents on Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
Chatsworth School District HIB-Bullying Policy 5512

Know The "No" In Bullying

  • Incidents, either on or off school grounds

  • Can be a single incident or series of incidents

  • Includes any gesture, or any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication

  • Must be based on:
    Any actual or perceived characteristic
    EXAMPLES: races, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or mental/physical/sensory disability, or ANY OTHER DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTIC

  • Must substantially disrupt or interfere with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students;

  • Must meet one of the following conditions in additions to causing substantial disruption or interference;

  • Has effect of insulting or demeaning student or group of students OR creates hostile educational environment for student by interfering with student's education OR severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to student. "

    Conflict vs. Bullying

News And Web Resources

NJ Information On Bullying
Government Bullying Site
Making Safer Choices Online
Stop Cyber Bullying